
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Wild Western #49

Wild Western #49

Gunmen’s Choice

YACReader - Wild Western V1 #49 (1956).cbz 2019-08-16 15.25.39.png

Kid Colt ambushes and disarms three outlaws who are trying to flee the territory. When they ask to be allowed to leave the area, Kid refuses and turns them over to the sheriff and his posse when they arrive. The sheriff thanks Kid Colt for his help but can’t help but be concerned with the enemies Kid Colt must be making trying to clean up the area. Seeing the damage outlaws have caused firsthand, Kid Colt doesn’t care what they think of him, he’ll keep on hunting them down. In the coming days various outlaws have decided to leave the area rather than face down Kid Colt as those who cross paths with the Kid end up in jail. However, Whip Cory is one man that isn’t willing to leave, saying that they don’t have to worry about splitting up their robberies with anyone. As for the law, he has an idea in mind to put people in their place.

Several days later, the sheriff of Twin Forks shows Kid Colt the preparations being made for a celebration of the town going clean, something that couldn’t be possible without the help of Kid Colt. When Ed Peters, the fireworks dealer from Copper City, rides into town he tells the sheriff and Kid Colt that Whip Cory and his men rustled Don Masters’ steers in broad daylight. That’s when they notice the ground starting to rumble. Then out in the distance,they see that Whip Cory and his men are driving the cattle toward the town. Taking the reins of the cart of fireworks, the Kid tells the sheriff to clear the streets and rides just outside of town.

Once at the edge of town, Kid Colt lets the horses go and then lights the buckboard of the wagon on fire. As the people in town wonder what Kid Colt is doing the answer comes when all the fireworks begin to go off frightening the stampeding cattle and making them turn direction, running Whip Cory and his gang out of town instead. After the sheriff thanks him for his quick thinking, Kid Colt decides that it is time to mosey on and departs. When one of the locals wishes Kid Colt could stay behind, the sheriff points out that there are other territories that could use his help.

Recurring Characters

Kid Colt, Steel

Billy Buckskin

While in town, Billy Buckskin and his pal Soapy notice when Dan Cutler rides into town slumped over his saddle. Billy examines Dan and finds he was shot by an arrow that is the kind used by Kiowas. Billy can’t understand how this could be since the Kiowa has been peaceful for years. Dan regains consciousness long enough to say he was attacked without provocation. Billy tells Soapy to take Cutler to the doctor and meet with him right away after. However, a man by the name of Stark says that Billy isn’t the only one to decide what to do about the Kiowa tribe and suggests that they wipe them all out. Others in the gathered crowd agree with Stark. When Billy tries to get people to listen to reason, Stark tries working them up again prompting Billy to punch him out. When Soapy comes back, Billy tells the townspeople that he’s going to talk to the Kiowas before things get out of hand.

As they ride out of town, Soapy tells Billy that Dan was ambushed near Bear Creek. When they arrive nearby, Billy and Soapy duck into the bushes so they can stake out the area. There they witness as Stark joins three other men who are panning for gold. Seeing this, Billy understands why the Kiowa attacked Cutler, these men are panning for gold in the land that belongs to the Kiowa. Unfortunately, their element of surprise is ended when Soapy accidentally steps on a branch. As they exchange gunfire, Soapy’s rife is rendered useless when a bullet ricochets off of the weapon. Although they are outgunned, Billy refuses to surrender and continues to fire back at their enemies.

Suddenly, the Kiowas arrive and surround the gold panners and they quickly surrender. In the aftermath of the skirmish, Billy meets with Chief Mowhata who apologizes for his people attacking Cutler as they mistook him for one of the men trespassing on their land and that his people want to remain at peace with the white settlers. Billy understands and assures the chief that Stark and his men will face justice for their crimes when they are brought back to town. Satisfied, Chief Mowhata thanks Billy for his help and allows them to leave with their prisoners.

Recurring Characters

Billy Buckskin, Soapy

The Range Raiders!

While stopping to drink some water, the Ringo Kid is approached from behind by two men with guns who demand that he empty his holsters. Figuring these men are outlaws, the Kid refuses to comply and quickly spins around throwing dust into their eyes. This gives the Ringo Kid enough time to draw his own gun and he demands some answers. Realizing that this is the Ringo Kid, the two men admit they mistook him for somebody else. They insist that they were herding steers that were stolen by rustlers and they mistook the Kid for the men who stole them. Although the Ringo Kid believes they are lying, he decides to let them go since he needs to get to a town and get more supplies. The two men return to their boss who calls them cowards for not capturing the Ringo Kid as they could make good use of his gunfighting skills.

An hour later, the Ringo Kid arrives in the town of Riata where he meets with an old friend. Sitting down for a meal, the old-timer tells Ringo about a recent rash of cattle rustlings and cowboys disappearing. The Kingo Kid decides to take a walk around town and try and see what he can learn about these disappearances. As he walks down main street the Ringo Kid witnesses the two men he met earlier dragging drunks out of the Black Bull Saloon. When the Kid confronts them he is pistol-whipped from behind by their employer who decides to dump the drunks and take only the Kid with them.

When the Ringo Kid wakes up he is welcomed by another cowboy to the Mesa of Lost Men. The cowpoke explains that Jake Aspen and his mob have been kidnapping cowboys and forcing them to e stolen cattle across the border so that the gang isn’t taking any risks. That’s when the old-timer calls Ringo from the other side of their barred windows. Suspecting there’d be trouble the old-timer followed Aspen and his men when they kidnapped Ringo. He brought the Kid some guns and hands them over. When Aspen and his men enter their makeshift jail to force the cowboys to do another job the Ringo Kid easily shoots the guns out of their hands and forces the outlaws to surrender. With the cowboys freed, the Ringo Kid considers his work done and rides off, leaving the outlaws in the hands of their former captors.

Recurring Characters

Ringo Kid, Arab

Wild Western #48

Wild Western #48

Wild Western #50

Wild Western #50