
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Wild Westerns #57

Wild Westerns #57

The Cursed Colts

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In the town of Aroyo, Kid Colt watches some men ride into town from the balcony of the local hotel and asks them if they have come for him. The leader of the gang tells the Kid that they have just come to talk to him, but Kid Colt doesn’t trust them and draws his gun. However, Kid Colt manages to outdraw the man and shoot the guns out of their hands. Once the men are disarmed, Kid Colt goes down to the street to see what they want. They explain that they want information about Blackie Shayne, a man that Kid Colt tangled within Yuma. Kid Colt suggests that everything they want to know about Blackie Shayne was published in his obituary. That’s when they say they aren’t interested in Blackie Shayne, but the black colts that he used to own, the so-called “cursed colts”. Kid Colt says he hopes they are rotting in the ground since that is where the troublesome weapons belong to be. He warns them that anyone who has owned those guns has wound up dying before their time. Still, the leader of this gang intends to own the guns because they were the source of power for those who wielded them, despite the curse.

No sooner are the men gone does another outlaw named Fargo Thorpe approaches Kid Colt and tells him that he found the cursed colts. While most people think the weapons are cursed, Fargo believes that they will grant him nothing but luck. Suddenly, the storm overhead produces a bolt of lightning that strikes the ground between the two men. While Kid Colt tries to convince Fargo that it was a warning about the guns, the outlaw considers it a sign of his newfound luck since the lightning didn’t end up striking him. Going into the nearby saloon, Thorpe begins bragging about his newly acquired six-guns, most people give him with berth because the guns he carries are cursed. Watching this behavior, Kid Colt wonders how long it will take for the curse to come to fruition.

That’s when the gang that came to Aroyo earlier learn that Fargo Thorpe found the cursed colts and return to the town. When they off to join up with Fargo, Thorpe thinks that soon he’ll have an army that will allow him to take over the entire territory. Two days later, the robberies committed by Fargo and his gang prompt local law enforcement to ask Kid Colt for his help. Riding out into the stormy night, Kid Colt goes to the home that Fargo Thorpe and his men are hiding out in. When he arrives, the Kid fires his guns into the air scaring off the outlaws horses. When the gang members come rushing out, the Kid quickly disarms them with his superior shooting skills. Lastly, Fargo Thorpe comes running out to face Kid Colt in a draw. Suddenly, two bolts of lightning come crashing down and strike the curse colts. Miraculously, only the guns are destroyed and Fargo Thorpe is alive to surrender to Kid Colt.

Recurring Characters

Kid Colt, Steel

Ringo Kid

While preparing to leave town, Ringo Kid is approached by a panic-stricken man pleads for the Kid to help him. Before the man can explain a trio of outlaws ride into Wild Horse looking for the man. When they spot him Ringo Kid tells the trio to stand down, pointing out that he has no means of defending himself. Ringo Kid quickly outdraws the three men, shooting the guns out of their hands. The men warn Jim Palmer that they’ll be back to settle his hash soon.

Palmer tells Ringo Kid that he’s the local school-master and a few years ago he lost his family during a Native American raid. As a result, he ended up growing up by himself and eventually fell in with some outlaws. After five years ago he discovered that his father was still alive and now a traveling minister. His father took young Jim Palmer out of his lawless lifestyle and he eventually went on to become a teacher instead. Ringo Kid can figure out the rest, these men are from his old gang and are trying to force him into rejoining them. After the Kid sends the outlaws away, Jim says that he loves his newfound life and doesn’t want to go back to his old ways. Ringo tells Palmer not to worry as he’ll make sure that these men don’t both him again.

Later that day, Pecos — the leader of the gang — is still angry that Ringo Kid ran them out of town and they track down the Kid and ambush him. Tied up, the Ringo Kid is left to his own devices while the outlaws head off to settle the score with Jim Palmer. Commanding his horse, Ringo Kid gets Arab to grab a pile of fresh leaves and dump them on the fire. This causes a heavy smoke to rise into the sky. Spotted by Ringo’s father Cory and his friend Dull Knife, they decide to go and investigate and save Ringo. Telling them about Jim Palmer, Ringo leads his father and Dull Knife to Palmer’s home. There they rescue the school teacher from his old gang. As Ringo and his allies take the outlaws to the local sheriff, Jim thanks them for their help.

Recurring Characters

Ringo Kid, Cory Rand, Dull Knife, Arab

Wild Western #56

Wild Western #56