
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Avengers #299

Avengers #299


New York City is being invaded by demonic forces from Limbo, plunging the city into total chaos.[1]

Things are much more peaceful in nearby Connecticut where Reed and Sue Richards — aka Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman — are putting their son Franklin to bed. After tucking Franklin in, the couple also retire for the evening.[2]

Back in New York, the Captain is fighting alone against the demonic horde.[3] Commandeering a motorcycle he patrols the city looking for trouble spots where he can help. He crosses paths with the New Mutants, whom he doesn’t recognize. However, seeing them in action he realizes that they are quite skilled in battle. He lends the young heroes a hand. After fighting off some demons, the New Mutants tells the Captain that the invasion is the work of two demons from Limbo named S’ym and N’Astirh who are attempting to collecting mutant babies to sacrifice in order to keep the portal to limbo opened for all eternity.[4] Realizing how big the crisis is, Cap tells the Mutants to keep fighting in order to buy him some time to recruit some more friends to help.

Meanwhile, in the Eternal city of Olympia, Sprite goes to his friend the Forgotten One and tells him that New York is under siege by hordes of demonic creatures. As he has had a long history of fighting monsters across history, the Forgotten One gets permission from Thena to return to the outside world. With his ruler’s blessing, the Forgotten One begins forging a new suit of armor to wear.[5]

Back in Connecticut, Franklin Richards wakes up from a bad dream and asks to sleep in his parents bed. As the trio dose off, a ship carrying Nanny and Orphan Maker arrive outside the Richards home. Peter, aka Orphan-Maker, is then sent to down to collect Franklin and eliminate his parents. However, when Peter uses Nanny’s pixie dust on the Richards’, Franklin manages to project his dream form and warn his parents so that when Orphan-Maker tries to shoot Reed and Sue in the head, his bullets bounce off one of Sue’s invisible force fields. Not understanding what just happened, Peter decides to keep their survival a secret from Nanny so she doesn’t get mad at him and leaves.

As Nanny’s ship takes off, the Captain arrives and goes knocking at the door. Suspicious of the ship he forces his way inside when nobody answers. He wakes up Reed and Sue and after reviewing the security footage learn who kidnapped Franklin. Mister Fantastic is able to determine that they are heading for New York City. With no time to lose, the three heroes follow after them aboard the Fantasti-Car.

By this time, the Forgotten One has finished constructing his new suit of armor, which includes a horned helmet in the shape of a bull. He then bids farewell to Thena and Sprite and flies off to New York City.

Meanwhile, Nanny’s ship is reaching New York City where she questions the boy they kidnapped.[6] She is shocked to learn that the boy is Franklin Richards, son of Reed and Sue Richards, founding members of the Fantastic Four. When she asks Peter if he killed Franklin’s parents, she catches him in a lie and tells him to be prepared as Franklin’s parents will likely come after them. Sure enough, the Fantasti-Car has caught up to them and Reed uses its onboard instruments to force Nanny’s ship to land in Central Park. When Orphan-Maker emerges from the ship, the Captain leaps out to attack him. Knocked off Nanny’s ship, Orphan-Maker hurts himself and begins to cry, making everyone realize that they are fighting a child. That’s when Franklin — decked out in a cybernetic suit created by Nanny — comes out and starts attacking them.

As the heroes defend themselves, the Forgotten One arrives on the scene and joins the fight, looking forward to clashing with these mechanical “monsters”. It’s during the fight that Reed and Sue realize one of their attackers is actually their son. Reed and Sue wonder what to do next and the Captain admits that this is going to be one of their trickiest battles yet. Regrouping with Peter and Franklin, Nanny orders the two boys to kill them all.

Recurring Characters

The Captain, Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, N’Astirh, S’ym, Orphan-Maker, Nanny, Franklin Richards, New Mutants (Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Sunspot, Magik, Mirage, Warlock), Eternals (Thena, Gilgamesh, Sprite)

Continuity Notes

  1. The demon invasion began in Uncanny X-Men #239 and will be expelled issue #243 of that series.

  2. At the time of this story, Reed and Sue have taken a leave of absence from the Fantastic Four to have some time alone to raise their son. This happened in Fantastic Four #307. They will eventually return to the FF in issue #326 of that series.

  3. This story takes place during the period when Steve Rogers was forced to abandon his Captain America identity between Captain America #332 to 350.

  4. For more on the New Mutants role in the Inferno event see New Mutants #71-73.

  5. It is mentioned here that the Forgotten One has been living in exile. He is also asked if he will take on a new name here. He was punished by Zuras for his pride as explained in Eternals #13. His real name lost to memory, the Forgotten One has gone by many names, usually because he was being mistaken for various gods of antiquity including Gilgamesh (Captain America Annual #11), Hercules (Thor #291), and Beowolf (X-Factor Annual #4). More recently, the Celestials named him Hero in Thor #287.

  6. Nanny makes a passing reference to how she wants to find two other orphans that she lost at an “awful orphanage.” She is referring to the events of X-Factor #35 when the titular heroes saved two orphans Nanny had taken. That battle took place at the Nebraskan orphanage where Cyclops grew up.

Inferno Reading Order

Avengers Annual #17

Avengers Annual #17

Avengers #300

Avengers #300