
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Captain America #278

Captain America #278

Oh, Thus Be It Ever

Captain America has been dragged to Baron Zemo’s castle and was just forced to fight two massive brian-creatures that were being powered by the minds of his friend Arnie Roth and his boyfriend Michael. With the creature powered by Michael is savagely injured by Vermin, Arnie manages to free himself and Roth blames Captain America for killing his friend. Recalling how he got to this point and how Primus — a shapeshifting mutate created by Arnim Zola — is now posing as Steve Rogers, Cap tells Arnie to snap out of it and points out that Michael is still alive, albeit in a coma.

Watching all this is Baron Zemo, who mocks Captain America as his revenge is almost complete.[1] He then unleashes his army of mutates against Cap, Arnie, and Vermin. As the mutates grab Arnie, he apologizes for lashing out at Cap in anger and then he realizes something, these mutates must be ordinary people. Realizing Arnie might be right, Captain America realizes that he cannot kill any of these monsters because they are innocent victims as well. Instead, Cap stops fighting them and gives an impassioned speech about how they should work together to stop their tormentor. When he promises to do whatever he can to restore them to normal, the creatures cease their hostilities and begin cheering him on.[2] Picking up Michael’s body, he promises Arnie that they will get him the help he needs.[3]

Seeing his plans falling apart, Baron Zemo grabs his death-ray and tries to escape but runs right into Captain America. However, it is Arnie Roth who lands the knock out punch to take down Zemo. With their master defeated, the mutates then begin trashing his lab when suddenly, a SHIELD unit led by Gail Runciter storm the castle. Seeing the mutates as a threat they begin shooting the monstrosities until Captain America orders them to stop. In the confusion, Baron Zemo manages to escape.[4] As Zemo escapes in his private craft he figures he is in the clear. That’s when Vermin announces his presence on board and attacks his master for betraying him.[5]

The next day, Bernie Rosenthal is out at a diner with the man she thinks is her boyfriend, Steve Rogers. In reality, this is Primus a shapeshifting mutate created by Arnim Zola who has infiltrated Steve’s life to destroy it as part of Zemo’s plan. However, as they are discussing their romantic evening from the night before, Captain America arrives and tells Primus to get his hands off his girlfriend.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Baron Zemo, Primus, Vermin, Bernie Rosenthal, Gail Runciter, Arnie Roth, Michael Bech

Continuity Notes

  1. Helmut explains that he is getting revenge for the death of his parents, Heinrich and Hilda Zemo, whose deaths he blames on Captain America. Heinrich, the previous Baron Zemo died in a battle against Captain America in Avengers #15. Helmut claimed in Captain America #168 that his mother committed suicide out of grief over her father having to leave the family during the war. In reality, as revealed in Captain America: The Medusa Effect #1, she actually died betraying her husband to help Captain America. Either Helmut is delusional or has been lied to all these years.

  2. It takes a loooong time for these mutates to get the help they need because Captain America kind of drops the ball. See Spectacular Spider-Man #194-196.

  3. Captain America makes a passing mention about how he spent decades in suspended animation. This, of course, is a reference to Avengers #4.

  4. Gail started tailing Captain America back in issue #276. She also makes mention to SHIELD file 116, the dossier the spy agency had on Arnim Zola, see Captain America #208-212.

  5. This story implies that Zemo is being killed by Vermin here. However, the Baron turns up alive and well again in Captain America #290, while Vermin shows up again in Marvel Team-Up #128. How Zemo got out of the pickle he finds himself in at the end of this story is not really explained, so use your imagination.

Snapping Part 3

Sam Wilson has been running for congress but has been suffering an identity crisis when his past crimes as “Snap” Wilson have been brought up on the campaign. Reverend Garcia has come to Sam to try and help him sort out his trouble thoughts only for Sam to revert back to his “Snap” Wilson persona.[1]

Snap refuses to be called Sam, has he believes that that persona is a lie created by the Red Skull using the Cosmic Cube. However, the Reverend refuses to give up trying to get through to Sam, telling him that there is has always been a good man inside of him, regardless of his past.

Snap has had enough of this and tries to leave but his pet falcon Redwing prevents him from opening the door to the roof access. Garcia then tries to empathize with Sam, understanding that he only turned into a criminal after both his parents were murdered by crooks. He understands that “Snap” Wilson was a shell to protect Sam from the hurt he felt from being made an orphan. He pleads with Sam to come out of his shell and finally be free.

These words get through to Wilson who breaks down in tears. He then hugs Reverend Garcia for all his help. Finally feeling free for the first time in years, Sam changes into the Falcon and flies off.

The following day, Sam does an interview with the Daily Bugle to come clean about his past and how he intends to move past it. This proves to be a huge boost to his bid for congress and he is congratulated by his sister Sarah, girlfriend Leila Taylor, and his campaign manager Carol Davis. Later, Sam thanks Sarah for getting Reverend Garcia to talk to him. However, Sarah did no such thing, telling Sam that Garcia has been out of town for the past few weeks. This causes Sam to consider what happened the night before and is left wondering if his encounter with “Reverend Garcia” was all in his head or came from a higher power.

Recurring Characters

Sam Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Leila Taylor, Carol Davis, Redwing

Continuity Notes

  1. This whole story is revolved around Sam’s apparent split personality, which in and of itself is very complex. Here are the details:

    • When Sam Wilson first met Captain America in issue #118, he seemed like an ordinary upstanding citizen who was tricked into being stranded on the Red Skull’s Island of Exiles. He proved to be the ideal crimefighting partner, the Falcon.

    • However, in Captain America #185-186, the Red Skull alleged that Sam was actually a petty crook named “Snap” Wilson and that he used the Cosmic Cube to alter his mind to act as a sleeper agent.

    • When the “truth” was revealed, Sam even stood trial for his past crimes and was released on probation in Captain America #191.

    • However, years after this story, in All-New Captain America #3, the Red Skull’s daughter claimed that “Snap” Wilson was the false identity and that her father created it to make Sam question who he really was.

    • If “Snap” Wilson was a fabrication it doesn’t explain how Sam went to trail for his crimes, how the Daily Bugle was able to dredge up his past, or how his sister — in this very story — recalls the events that led to Sam becoming Snap. I have a theory on how this could be here.

Captain America #277

Captain America #277

Captain America #279

Captain America #279