
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Captain America #336

Captain America #336

Natural Calling

It’s been three months since Steve Rogers was forced to quit as Captain America.[1] Sitting at a bar, he catches a news story about his successor taking down the Watchdogs.[2] This is followed by a story about an eco-terrorist named Brother Nature who has been using his power over nature to shut down logging operations in the area. The local loggers at the bar are upset by this news and blame the local Park Rangers for protecting Brother Nature and decide to do something about it. Steve blocks the exit and tries to get them to see reason, but this leads to a fight. Steve holds his own, and the loggers eventually back down. However, he decides to leave before there is any more violence.

As he drives the lonely roads in his van, Steve thinks about what he has been doing since he decided to give up being Captain America. He recalls how he first went to visit his ex-girlfriend, Bernie Rosenthal at the University of Wisconsin. Bernie was upset by the news and — since she has been studying the law — wants to legally fight the government to get Steve his identity back. However, Steve doesn’t want to fight the government as he respects their decision, even though it has left him questioning what to do next. He can’t just continue being Captain America as he has been served a legal notice telling him he fight crime in a costume that resembles his old Captain America outfit. He promises Bernie that he will fight this situation, but isn’t sure just how to do it yet. Both the Falcon and Nomad wanted Steve to keep on fighting, while Demolition Man promised to keep Steve’s hotline running and answering calls while Steve has spent the past three months on the road traveling America. Steve’s thoughts of the past are interrupted when the road is hit by an earthquake that cracks open the road. Steve can’t stop in time and ends up driving his van into the pit.

Meanwhile, in Santa Monica, Nomad and his girlfriend and partner Vagabond arrive at the home of Dennis Dunphy, aka Demolition Man. They have answered D-Man’s summons because Dennis hasn’t heard from Steve in a while and is worried about his well being. The Falcon has also answered the call and although Nomad has a strong dislike for D-Man, they all agree to work together to find Steve and make sure he’s safe.

At that moment, Steve wakes up and discovers that his van is stuck. He is able to get out of the pit thanks to his motorcycle. Once he is free, he is confronted by Brother Nature, who apologizes for trapping him as he was only trying to send his environmental message to the authorities and suggests that Rogers take off. Steve tries to talk to Brother Nature, but he summons a powerful wind to keep Rogers at bay while he makes his escape.[3] When the wind finally lets off, Steve follows after Brother Nature who tries to stop Steve from following him by sending a flock of deer to attack him. Steve evades earthquakes, lightning strikes, and a bear just to get close to Brother Nature. Growing desperate, Brother Nature uses his powers to create another ground splitting earthquake, causing both of them to fall into the pit it created.

Since they are both trapped, Steve asks Brother Nature how he came to get his powers. Brother Nature reveals that he was once a member of the Park Rangers.[4] He was devoted to his job and fought against a private business that had gained the right to log some old growth forest. He challenged this in court but found himself laughed out of the courtroom. He then resorted to sabotage to protect the ancient redwood trees slated to be cut down. Caught dumping sand into the gas tanks of construction vehicles, the man who would become Brother Nature was beaten half to death and buried alive. However, rather than dying, he was contacted by the spirit of the Earth, who chose him to be her champion, granting him the powers he now uses to protect nature.

Hearing all this, Steve discovers that Brother Nature’s story has parallels with his own predicament, leaving him to wonder how outside the law he is willing to go to continue his cause. As the sun begins to rise, it becomes safe to try and climb out of the pit. The pair work together and once they are free, Brother Nature sees that a number of trees were toppled during their battle. At first, Brother Nature blames Steve for making him sacrifice trees to stop him, but Rogers points out its was his own actions that caused the tree’s destructions, telling him that this is the danger of crossing the line and becoming a renegade and ultimately harming those you want to protect. This whole experience convinces Steve that, no matter what happens next, he will not fight against his own government.

Recurring Characters

Steve Rogers, Brother Nature, Bernie Rosenthal, Captain America, Falcon, Nomad, Vagabond, Demolition Man, Redwing

Continuity Notes

  1. Steve quit as Captain America in Captain America #332. John Walker took his place in the following issue. This will remain the status quo until Captain America #350.

  2. John took down the Watchdogs last issue.

  3. Steve notes that Brother Nature has similar abilities to the X-Man known as Storm, noting that she no longer has her powers. At the time of this story, Storm had recently been stripped of her powers in Uncanny X-Men #182. They will eventually be restored in issue #226 of that series.

  4. Brother Nature does not give his real name here. The appendix in Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1 identifies him as Mark Diering.

Topical References

  • The television in the bar is depicted as a CRT television. This is topical as it is obsolete technology.

Captain America #335

Captain America #335

Captain America #337

Captain America #337