
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Silk #3

Silk #3

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Silk was web-slinging across the city when she is suddenly ambushed by the new and improved Dragonclaw. She realizes very quickly that he is faster and stronger before being transformed into a real dragon-like creature. Trying to get away, she is caught off guard when Dragonfang breaths fire to burn through her webbing. This causes Silk to fall in a dumpster. Dragonclaw then throws a van on top of her. As much as she struggles, Silk cannot stop herself from blacking out.


Cindy recounts a time when she asked Ezekiel Sims to let her out of the bunk. He refused, telling her that his decision has nothing to do with her, that there is too much at stake. When she asks how much longer she has to stay in his bunker, Sims doesn’t respond. She then tells him to go to hell. When Ezekiel reaches out to her, Cindy pulls her arm away in anger.


Cindy has snapped out of it and pulled herself out of the wreck. She is furious and lunges at Dragonclaw. when he tries to fly away, she webs up his wings and pulls hard enough to pull his wings off. As it turns out, her foe wasn’t turned into a real dragon-man but is wearing a more sophisticated suit of armor. She pummels Dragonclaw as she thinks about how, years earlier, she attacked Ezekiel Sims ordering him to fight back. Sims refused to fight back because he didn’t want to hurt her. When Dragonlaw pleads with her to fight, Cindy realizes that she let her anger get the better of her.

She then sits next to her defeated foe and asks for his real name. Dragonfang turns out to be a man named Harris Potter and he explains that he became a super-villain because he has a kid. His wife left him years ago and his little girl is all he has left. Due to his prior convictions getting a legitimate job is hard so he turned to pull heists for the Black Cat. She isn’t sure if he is telling the truth because his story is too cliché but decides to help him out anyway. She tells him that Alchemax is looking to hire people to give them a second chance. She then takes Harris to a hospital for medical treatment. While he’s inside, Silk calls her boss, Natalie Long, at the Fact Channel to give her the story and set things up for Harris. Watching him walk out of the hospital, she hopes he doesn’t make a fool out of her for giving him a chance.

That’s when she is confronted by the Black Cat, who has been trying to track her down. She warns Silk that she’s not a good guy anymore and attack with a speed that Cindy wasn’t expecting.[1] Throwing Silk through a window, she tells Silk to retire before the Cat really has to hurt her.

Later that evening, Harris returns home and pays his baby sitter. Seeing his injuries she knows what he was up to and tells him to clean up his life for his daughter’s sake. Harris then sits down with his daughter, Marie. She has been watching the news coverage of his battle with Silk. Marie thinks Silk is really cool and asks her dad if she is a hero. He tells her that he’s certain she is. While at the Shop, the Repairman asks the Black Cat what she learned from her battle with Silk. Felicia noted that Silk is almost as fast as her and orders him to make her minions faster.

Cindy meanwhile returns to her home in the bunker, sore from her encounter with the Black Cat. She is then visited by Spider-Man who saw the battle footage and noticed that there was something off with her powers. She isn’t happy to see him, something that the wall-crawler anticipated that’s why he brought some friends: The Fantastic Four.

Recurring Characters

Silk, Black Cat, Spider-Man, Dragonclaw, the Repairman, Fantastic Four (Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing), Marie Porter, Ezekiel Sims (flashback)

Continuity Notes

  1. The Black Cat was mostly on the side of good until she was busted by the Spider-Man (then controlled by Doctor Octopus) in Superior Spider-Man #20.

Topical References

  • Dated pop-culture references: Pokémon

Silk #2

Silk #2

Silk #4

Silk #4