
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Thor #434

Thor #434

If He Be Worthy!

The new Thor has arrived at Avengers Mansion where he accidentally sets off the security system. Luckily, Captain America is there to shut things down and let him inside. Once in the privacy of the Avengers meeting room, Thor reveals his true identity to Captain America.[1] As Eric Masterson, he explains how he and Thor were once merged together until recently when the thunder god seemingly killed Loki and was banished, leaving Eric with Thor’s powers.[2]

Meanwhile, in the Negative Zone, Annihilus observes Asgard from afar. He has come to view the Asgardians as a threat to his continued existence.[3] Seeking to learn their weakness, he dispatches one of his spies to find one. It arrives just as Sif is confronting her brother Heimdall over his decision to banish Thor. He allows her to slap him across the fact as they are family, however he warns her that as the temporary ruler of Asgard, his word is law. He also cautions her against searching for Thor, reminding her that to do otherwise will be an act of treason.[4] Observing this from his ship Annihilus decides that kidnapping Odin and stealing his power will be the way to ensure he will have mastery over all life in the Negative Zone and intends to use the Bifrost bridge as his means of invading Earth. Sif returns to her chambers and sends away Clarissa, her servant so she can be alone with her thoughts. Here, Sif decides that she will go against her brother and find Thor after all. Since she is a Sister of the Sword, she decides to quest as one and begins cutting her hair short.

Back on Earth, Eric Masterson completes his tale and changes back into his Thor identity. To prove that it is all true, he has Captain America touch Mjolnir as he connection with the mystical hammer and it will confirm what Eric has been saying.[5] With that, Eric decides to travel to Asgard to get answers as to where Thor was banished. He surprises himself by being able to swing Mjolnir in the right way to teleport himself to the Bifrost bridge. There he is confronted by the Warriors Three, who have been stationed there since Heimdall took over as ruler of Asgard. They attempt to block Eric from entering the kingdom as his entry has been forbidden. They try to fight the new Thor, however Eric quickly realizes that they are intentionally not giving their all and quickly gets past them, only stopping long enough to save Volstagg when he is accidentally knocked off the bridge.

Inside the royal palace, Sif has now put on her swords maiden armor. Before embarking on her quest, she runs into Balder who wants to join her on her quest, but doesn’t want to violate Asgardian law. That’s when Masterson comes barging in having fought through the Crimson Hawks, the kingdom’s royal guard. He confronts Heimdall and demands that he free the real Thor. However, the temporary ruler of Asgard refuses, prompting Eric to attack. However, Heimdall is able to shrug off his attacks thanks to the power given to him by Odin. Deciding to change tactics, Eric goes smashing through the palace until he finds Odin’s bedchambers. There he is attacked by Sif and Balder, who are duty bound to stop him from harming the sleeping All-Father even though they to want to free the real Thor. Masterson easily knocks them aside and then threatens to harm Odin himself unless they free Thor from his banishment. However, before he can land a blow he once again notices the inscription on Mjolnir that reads “whosoever holds this hammer shall possess the power of Thor.” Eric suddenly gets second thoughts and surrenders, proving to Heimdall that he was justified in selecting Masterson to replace Thor. Regardless, Eric still demands to know what actually happened to Thor.

It’s then that Annihilus makes his move, teleporting Odin from his bed, something the Asgardians are powerless to stop. Racing to the Grand Vizier to find out what happened, the wizened old man turns their attention to the view screen. On it, Annihilus reveals that he has Odin as his prisoner and orders the people of Asgard to surrender to him or the All-Father will be put to death.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Annihilus, Captain America, Sif, Heimdall, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg), Balder, Odin, Grand Vizier,

Continuity Notes

  1. Captain America recognizes Eric Masterson as the man who helped redesign Avengers Headquarters. The original mansion was moved to Hydrobase in Avengers #279 and later sunk into the Atlantic Ocean in issue #311. The new mansion was completed in Avengers #329.

  2. Thor seemingly slew Loki and was banished last issue. However, the situation is much more complex than it appears. The details:

    • Prior to his banishment, Thor was bonded to Eric Masterson in order to survive serious injuries, as seen in Thor #408.

    • Loki didn’t actually die, his soul ended up taking possession of Odin, shunting the All-Father’s soul into a soul shroud being held in Mephisto’s realm. See Thor #450-455.

    • Thor wasn’t banished someplace else, rather his essence was buried deep within Eric Masterson where it will remain until Odin pulls Thor free. See Thor #456-459.

  3. Asgard ended up being unmoored from its regular dimensional plane following the destruction of the Bifrost Bridge in Thor #351. It ended up drifting into the Negative Zone in Thor #404-405. The bridge was restored in issue #426, but Asgard still remains in the Negative Zone.

  4. Heimdall was selected to rule over Asgard while Odin entered the Odinsleep in Thor #426. He will remain in command Odin wakes up in issue #449. It’s not really Odin, as explained above, but you know what I mean.

  5. Captain America once briefly wielded Mjolnir, as seen in Thor #390.

Thor #433

Thor #433

Thor #435

Thor #435