
Nick Peron

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Peter Parker: Spider-Man #6

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #6

The Whys Have It!

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After getting the information he needs the Kingpin tosses some out of his office window. Witnessing this is Bullseye, the Kingpin’s chief assassin. Bullseye remarks that he could have handled the situation, but the Kingpin insists that a message needs to be sent and that many men must die this evening to let them know that the Kingpin is back in town. The Kingpin seeks to reclaim his criminal empire and is willing to do whatever it takes and make those who stand in his way pay the price.[1]

Meanwhile, Spider-Man is stopping a team of Hydra terrorists from assassinating Senator Stewart Ward in front of the United Nations building. After he webs up the Hydra goons, Spider-Man asks Ward why so many people are coming after him.[2] Instead of telling the wall-crawler, Ward tells the police that Spider-Man is attacking him, forcing the web-slinger to flee. As Spider-Man changes back into Peter Parker, a mob of the press arrives and begins askings the same questions he did moments ago. Ward doesn’t answer them and is quickly spirited away by his security detail. When he meets up with Betty Brant, she is convinced that there is something up with the Senator and vows to look into it more deeply.[3] That’s when Peter spots Flash Thompson in the crowd, but he ignores them when Peter calls out his name.

When Peter returns home, Mary Jane is telling Jill that there is no reason to talk to Peter about something.[4] When Peter asks what’s going on, Mary Jane says its nothing but girl-talk and quickly takes Peter to the living room where Aunt May is entertaining Arthur Stacy. Arthur is glad to see Peter and tells him that he’s investigating some unsavory characters including a US senator and is seeking the aid of Spider-Man as he has been out of contact with the wall-crawler for some time.[5] That’s when Mary Jane speaks up and says that Peter has no way of contacting Spider-Man.[6] As the phone starts to ring, Arthur thanks Peter for his time and sees himself out. Peter finds himself divided between his growing suspicions about Stewart Ward and Mary Jane’s nervous behavior on the phone. When Peter witnesses Mary Jane telling off the caller and hang up, Peter asks what’s going on but Mary Jane again dismisses it as nothing.[7] When the phone rings again, Mary Jane tries to put on a brave face for Peter to try and convince him that there is nothing wrong. Changing the subject back to Arthur Stacy, Mary Jane thinks that maybe Peter could do something to help Arthur, like talking to the police, and sees him on his way while the phone continues to ring. After Peter is gone, Aunt May tells Mary Jane that she can’t keep putting off talking to Peter about the harassing phone calls.

Outside, Jill tries to stop her father and get him to tell her what’s going on between him and Senator Stewart Ward. When she tells him that Ward called their home, Arthur becomes concerned and asks her what he said. That’s when a limo pulls up and Ward’s security emerges and orders Arthur to get into the car. Before getting into the car, Arthur tells Jill to find her brother Paul and leave the city. Watching her father drive away, Jill starts to cry. That’s when Peter Parker finds her and asks her what’s wrong. Peter assures her that everything will be fine and he should get her back home to Mary Jane. Peter intends on looking in on where Arthur is going, a task that will be made easy thanks to the spider-tracer that he planted on the limo.

Later, Arthur Stacy is taken to a construction site where Stewart Ward looks over the city. Ward tells Arthur that big things are happening and is disturbed to hear that Wilson Fisk has returned to the city. Arthur assures Stewart that no matter who is going after him, he will expose the Senator for what he really is. However, Ward reveals that it is too late that he has been exposed and that right now he needs Stacy as an ally. Before this discussion can go any further, the guards are attacked by Bullseye who kills one with a playing card. After taking down the rest of the guards and disarming Arthur, Bullseye prepares to deal with Stuart Ward, but Spider-Man gets in his way. While Spider-Man is dodging some throwing stars, Bullseye manages to strike Arthur in the back with a dagger. However, before he can complete his mission, Spider-Man intervenes once more. Realizing that he can’t go up against the wall-crawler, Bullseye decides to flee after initiating plan b. With his spider-sense going off, Spider-Man grabs both Stewart and Arthur and leaps off the building just moments before the building explodes.

Once on the ground, Spider-Man begins demanding answers from Ward, but the Senator refuses to answer and escapes in an arriving limo. That’s when Arthur tells Spider-Man that Ward is evil incarnate and must be stopped before it is too late.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Kingpin, Bullseye, Hydra Stewart Ward, Betty Brant, Flash Thompson, Mary Jane Watson, Jill Stacy, Aunt May, Arthur Stacy, Stalker

Continuity Notes

  1. The Kingpin was ousted from his criminal empire in Daredevil #300. He was operating overseas until he decided it was time to return to New York in X-Men (vol. 2) #64.

  2. Spider-Man mentions all the people who have come after Stewart Ward recently. He’s been attacked by the Ranger in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #1, as well as the Trapster and Sandman in Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 2) #4. In the case of Sandman and the Trapster, Ward hired them to intentionally attack him for some unspecified reason. As far as Ranger and Hydra are concerned, both are going after Ward due to his possession of a Z’Nox virus as explained in Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 2) #24.

  3. The results of that investigation are seen in the Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1999.

  4. Peter and Mary Jane are referred to as husband and wife here. However, years later, their marriage is erased from existence by Mephisto in Amazing Spider-Man #545. As such they should be considered a common-law couple here.

  5. Arthur Stacy last worked with Spider-Man during the Identity Crisis story arc.

  6. Peter promised to retire as Spider-Man following the Final Chapter event. However, he started wearing the webs again in Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 2) #2 and has been keeping it a secret from Mary Jane.

  7. The phone calls are a big deal as Mary Jane has been dealing with a Stalker since last issue. The Stalker will escalate things from here until Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 2) #13.

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #5

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #5

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #7

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #7